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Category Archives: Coding
Merging Filesystems Virtually Under Apache
Synopsis This is rather old code, but saved my bacon more than once. Runs under Apache with Mod_Perl, and “merges” any number of filesystems. You’ll see the @docroots array that takes a list of “document roots”. These all need correct … Continue reading
Open Response to Open Letter to the Netatalk Community
I can’t help but notice that you seem to think yourself above some pretty important facts with the coup you appear to be attempting towards Netatalk. First, and most importantly, while there are currently only a small handful of devs, … Continue reading
Posted in Coding, Linuxy, Opinions
Dear MongoDB
Dear MongoDB, I would like to use the positional operators you have for updates, ala ‘user.$.name’, in the field selectors for queries, ala find({“”: “Matt”},{“user.$.address”}) such that I can see only the fields of that sub-document/sub-object in my return data … Continue reading
Case: Large menu system where different users use different items more often than others. Some spend 80% of their time in <5% of the options, some spend 60% of their time in the least used 10% of the options. Problem: … Continue reading
Posted in Architecture, Coding, Work
1 Comment
A Perl Thread-Pool
UPDATED: 9/5/2013 to use better Thread::Queue::dequeue_timed in lieu of sleep. I’ve been doing a lot of large-system coding with Perl ithreads lately. This thread model has been scaling very well on very high-throughput operations in conjunction with well-placed yield() calls … Continue reading
[UPDATE: There is a newer version of CopyFS available] CopyFS 1.3M is a non-official branch of the CopyFS filesystem for FUSE. v1.3M should be considered an “advanced beta”. As it is a FUSE filesystem, faults in the filesystem cannot cause … Continue reading
CopyFS is now even cooler
[UPDATE: There is a newer version of CopyFS available] Some backstory: I used to write a LOT of code in the C programming language. I used to be actively involved in numerous open-source programs that used C. Hell, I even … Continue reading