Category Archives: General

Redundant Array of Independent Datacenters

I used a phrase last night/this morning that I use to refer to distributed datacenter architecture, and afterwards decided to google it. It seems that while Cisco mentioned it a lot in 2010, I beat them by a few years … Continue reading

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For whatever reason I’ve never posted recipes on-line. Which is weird, because I handwrite them on $^#$@%$ index cards for people. So I’ve created a new category for recipes and hope to update it soonish and on-going.

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A student asked me in class last night, how I “keep up” with changes in technology. Without hesitation I answered “by doing”. People frequently think there is some magic to being good at something. There isn’t. Whether we’re talking about … Continue reading

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On Lying

So I was reading in NYMag about lying, then I went over to Bruce Schneier’s blog and he quoted the same article, so for the sake of modding up this article on the Intertubes, I figured I’d link them in.  … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

This year, please remember: If at first you don’t succeed, you fail. Stop whining about it, just man-up and move forward.

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The Myth of the Modern Knowledge Worker, Part 4: Kids These Days

I’m not old, nor very far removed from recent college graduates. A significant difference between my peer group and recent graduates is “work ethic”. In conversations with my age-similar colleagues, we all observe pretty much the same thing: Recent grads … Continue reading

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The Myth of the Modern Knowledge Worker, Part 3: Collective Thinking

The problem is that we’ve shifted from being knowledge workers to collective thinkers. Anyone who works in higher education and has watched the last 5-8 years-worth of students coming into college has seen collective thinking first hand (whether they’ve recognized … Continue reading

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The Myth of the Modern Knowledge Worker, Part 2: Working vs. Learning

I just wrapped up a major four-position hiring consult with a client who wanted one quality software architect (high-level strategic thinkers who can design large software systems) and three knowledge-worker-grade software engineers (the people who work with the aforementioned architect … Continue reading

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The Myth of the Modern Knowledge Worker, Part 1: Preface

In the late 80’s, and into the end of the mid-90’s, a new type of worker evolved: The Knowledge Worker. The Knowledge Worker is the subject of lots of books– some of them even good- so I’m not going to … Continue reading

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On Automation

Automation is what drives me. Taking a process- possibly even an automated one- and tightening things up through technology, reducing or removing the steps involving manual labor. Whether it’s a script for myself/friends that checks the lunch specials at a … Continue reading

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