Tag Archives: thai

Nahm Jeem Rong Hai

Roughly translated means: “you’ll cry like a baby grilled steak”. If you’re afraid of flavor fear not – all of the heat is in the dipping sauce which you can moderate at meal time. Try it, please. 🙂 This does … Continue reading

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Real Crushed Chili Peppers

Ever wanted to not rely on a plastic tin for your crushed pepper? I enjoy making things, so through trial-and-error, here’s my favorite way to make crushed pepper. I generally serve it fresh or add it to a complex meal, … Continue reading

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Kao Kua

Kao kua is a normal base additive to Thai sauces. Also called “rice powder” or “jasmine powder”, it’s essentially pulverized dry-fried rice. Basically put 3x (three times) as much rice grains (I prefer jasmine)  as you need powder in a … Continue reading

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