Category Archives: Rants/Tirades

Ruby String.each

While I find Ruby to be a half-assed attempt at an object-oriented Perl, I have been using it quite a bit lately to stay consistent with a lot of existing intellectual property. One of the more maddening things is that … Continue reading

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find -delete

If I hear one more person recommend using a pipe to xargs or -exec rm -f {}  to the question “how can I make ‘find’ delete the files it finds?” I’m going to scream. It’s really simple: find /wherever -mtime … Continue reading

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GPS Jamming: For Fun Or Profit

From this /. article. I’ve written about the dangers of relying on GPS previously. “A simple $30 GPS jammer made in China can ruin your day. It doesn’t just affect your car’s navigation — ATM machines, cell phone towers, plane, … Continue reading

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They Lie Because They Can

Bruce has an excellent post about the data you’re voluntarilly giving to corporations. While he takes a consumerist view, and makes excuses for you frittering away your privacy (which I’m sure you’ll appreciate), the meat of this article is that … Continue reading

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Dear Asshole,

You may have thought it was amusing to book a week at a posh Malaysian resort with my credit card. You may have thought yourself shrewd because you tactfully made the reservation the first day of the new billing cycle, … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Rants/Tirades | 1 Comment

"It’s better when you win it"

I‘ve observed for several years now, that a lot of people who participate in online auctions have a very different perception of reality, economy, and capitalism than I do. Hearing phrases like “I won that on eBay” have always made … Continue reading

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Hell Week, Oh How I Rue You

Annually, the week before the Fall Semester, is an event that students in higher-education get spared from. It’s called Hell Week. It’s when Faculty return from their vacations, and suddenly realize that even though they’ve known about X and Y … Continue reading

Posted in Rants/Tirades, Work | 3 Comments

Overscheduled Children

I went in to work on Saturday morning to get my laptop, and on my way out a little girl- maybe 4- and her father are leaving from a function. She asks him “Can I play in the snow, daddy?” … Continue reading

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Another ‘Bruce Says Its Best’

Boston is stupid. I’ve been saying it for years. Unplanned sprawl of a city, stupid tunnel thing, and idiots NOT ONLY scared of Lite Brites, but getting all legally vicious because they don’t like being made afool. Ugh.

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