Tag Archives: stupid

Ruby String.each

While I find Ruby to be a half-assed attempt at an object-oriented Perl, I have been using it quite a bit lately to stay consistent with a lot of existing intellectual property. One of the more maddening things is that … Continue reading

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find -delete

If I hear one more person recommend using a pipe to xargs or -exec rm -f {}  to the question “how can I make ‘find’ delete the files it finds?” I’m going to scream. It’s really simple: find /wherever -mtime … Continue reading

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MySpace Openly Selling User Data

Per this  /. post, MySpace is now openly selling user data. If you don’t think FaceBook et. al. can and will (and do) do the same when it benefits them, you’re sorely mistaken. “one-time leading social network is now selling … Continue reading

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They Lie Because They Can

Bruce has an excellent post about the data you’re voluntarilly giving to corporations. While he takes a consumerist view, and makes excuses for you frittering away your privacy (which I’m sure you’ll appreciate), the meat of this article is that … Continue reading

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Beating CAPTCHA-Crackers

Everyone is in this arms-race. Those who make CAPTCHAs, and those who want to crack them. The solution for the former is simple: Animate them. I’m not talking about making a 6-frame looping GIF, whereby the cracker can steal a … Continue reading

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