Shredded Chicken Wraps

This very easy dish can cook all day… or just all afternoon, and is excellent aside jasmine rice, couscous, or mashed potatoes.

2-3lbs boneless chicken breast
1/2-1 cup red wine or burgandy
2 cups Dinosaur BBQ Slathering Sauce
3-4 assorted hot peppers, chopped into large pieces
1-2 large cloves garlic, chopped
large tortilla shells
1-2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
olives/lettuce/sour cream/etc. etc. as desired

Add chicken, wine, bbq sauce, peppers and garlic to a slow cooker and cook on low. It’ll be done in 4 hours, and can sit for up to 4 more hours and still be wonderful. If you’re averse to pepper heat, remove seeds and any yellow interior lining from peppers prior to adding them to the cooker.

When done, shred chicken with a couple forks in the cooker to help soak in more juice. Make wraps as desired.

Prep time 10 minutes (5 before cooking, 5 after). Cook time 4-8 hours.

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