This is rather old code, but saved my bacon more than once.Runs under Apache with Mod_Perl, and corrects the URI requested when it is giving lazily. Thus a request for “/INDEX.HTML” is rewritten to “/index.html” as appropriate.
=head1 NAME M::Apache::fixcase - Want to fix case, showing the user the error of their ways? =head1 SYNOPSIS PerlModule M::Apache::fixcase <VirtualHost> PerlTransHandler M::Apache::fixcase </VirtualHost> =cut package M::Apache::fixcase; use Apache2::Const qw(DECLINED); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); sub handler {        my $r = shift;        my $file=$r->document_root() . $r->uri();        unless(-e $file) {                # File doesn't exist, let's try to find it!                my @uribits=split(/\//,$r->uri());                shift @uribits; # shift off the beginning ''                my $newuri=$r->document_root(); # $newuri is the uri we're building                my $sofar=0;                foreach my $bit (@uribits) {                        $bit =~ s/\(|\)|\`//g; # stupid url tricks                        $sofar=0; # reset sofar, so we know if we're still on track                        opendir(FD,$newuri) or last;                        foreach my $dthing (readdir(FD)) {                                if($dthing =~ /^\./) { next; } # safety first;                                if($dthing =~ /^$bit$/i) { # case-insenstive pattern match                                        # We have a match!                                        $sofar=1;                                        $newuri .= "/" . $dthing;                                        last;                                }                        }                        closedir(FD);                        unless($sofar) { last; } # we missed this bit, don't bother recursing further                }                if($sofar) {                        # We made it!                        my $dr=$r->document_root();                        $newuri =~ s/^$dr//; # strip off the document_root from the new uri                        $r->uri($newuri); # Set the uri to the new uri                } # else we can't do anything...        }        return DECLINED; # Always pass it on } 1;